7 Easy Ways To Be More Innovative
Trying to be innovative is, at least for most people, nearly impossible.Don't believe me? Try it. Right now. Think of something innovative. Come up with something new and different. I'll try it...
View Article99 Percent Of Innovation Methods Are Based On A Brain Model We Rejected A...
According to Columbia Professor Bill Duggan, the vast majority of the methods used to try and come up with innovative ideas are based on a flawed understanding of how how the brain works.In an...
View ArticleHow To Survive At A Big Company After You Get Acquired
Can a mission-driven enterprise accelerate impact within a larger corporation?It's been almost five years since The Coca-Cola Company first invested in Honest Tea, and nearly two years since Coke...
View Article3 Ways To Come Up With Big Business Ideas
The idea for Disneyland’s Magic Kingdom was born on a family vacation. Walt Disney was visiting Tivoli Gardens, one of Europe’s oldest amusement parks, when he realized he could create a bigger, better...
View ArticleJEFF BEZOS: 'Inventing And Pioneering Involves A Willingness To Be...
In a study published in the most recent issue of the Harvard Business Review, Jeff Bezos was named as the world's best-performing living CEO. He earned it by building Amazon into a global behemoth, and...
View Article7 Creative Uses For Dead Shopping Malls
If the American-style shopping mall is dying, we could easily be left with an awfully big pile of useless real estate. What should become of these empty retail shells?In fact, some innovative ideas are...
View ArticleINSTANT MBA: Don't View An Issue As An Isolated Problem
Today's advice comes from Scott D. Anthony, managing partner at Innosight, a global strategy and innovation consulting firm via Bloomberg Businessweek.com:"People try point solutions to a systemic...
View ArticleThis New And Growing Network Of Hospitals Could Change American Health Care
Hospitals have incredible potential locked inside of them. Their doctors, nurses, and other employees are highly educated and highly trained in the second largest industry in the United States, yet...
View Article8 Ways To Make Your Team More Innovative
Question: How do you foster innovation in your startup, especially when team members are overburdened?Question by: Ashley1. Stop Doing That!"Refocus your startup on the essential projects needed to...
View ArticleHow Robots Could Change The World By 2023
Robotic technology has taken historic strides in the past decade. Nanorobotics is changing how scientists, doctors and surgeons think about the future of medicine. UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) have...
View Article10 Books That Help Leaders Keep Their Skills Sharp
The book "Change the Culture, Change the Game" notes, “In an era when change is the new gravity, it’s time to apply sound ideas.”We live in an increasingly interconnected world of shifting...
View ArticleThis Formula Can Help You Create Innovative Thinkers
It’s been a brutal period for retail firms since the global financial crisis hit. Despite this, I’ve spoken recently with the CEOs of four different retail firms (Lorna Jane, Unit, Di Bella Coffee and...
View ArticleThe 10 Things Innovative Companies Do To Stay On Top
Innovation isn't this abstract thing that some companies have and some don't.Innovation is actually a business skill that executives and employees can develop and master.So says Booz & Company...
View Article12 Startups That Are Solving The Little Problems That Drive Us Crazy
There are a lot of little problems in life.You lose your car keys. You're craving peanut butter but can't reach the last glob. You have one more slot on your power strip, but your cord is too clunky to...
View ArticleHere Is What The Universities Of The Future Could Look Like
We will see increasingly creative partnerships between for-profit entities and traditional universities, writes Linda Lorimer, Vice-President of Yale University.We often hear references to “the” future...
View ArticleThe 4 Biggest Issues For Businesses Trying To Innovate
Co-authored with Ralph-Christian OhrWhen we met up in person recently we had a great talk about this question. We’ve continued the discussion over email, and these are the four innovation management...
View ArticleThere's One Huge Myth About 'Flattened' Companies
One of the most celebrated and discussed corporate strategy techniques is the "flatter" or delayered hierarchy, the most common examples being new tech companies like Google and a bevy of startups. The...
View ArticleBetter Tools Can't Make You More Creative
What are the connections between these three things?First: Comics – the magic happens in the gaps between panelsIn his terrific book Understanding Comics, Scott McCloud explains that comics are special...
View Article12 Ways To Be A More Innovative Boss
Question: What's the secret to being a great, innovation-driving startup boss?Question by: Ashley1. Allow for Change and Spontaneity"Working hard to keep your company from becoming rigid helps to keep...
View ArticleFew Companies Understand What 'Building The Best Product' Really Means
I’m mid 2011 I wrote a post titled Competition. Things in my universe had heated up and many of the companies I was an investor in were facing lots of competition. It’s 18 months later and there’s 10x...
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